
ICSI 2020 探测与成像国际会议

慧天地 2021-09-20


ICSI-2020: The International Conference on Sensing and Imaging

Call for participation

China University of Petroleum (East China)

Qingdao, China, August 17-21, 2020

Topics: sensor technologies image processing technologies sensing and imaging applications

Sensing and imaging are interdisciplinary fields combining science and engineering, such as optics, electricity, magnetism, heat, sound, mathematics, and computing technology, to characterize and visualize objects of interest noninvasively. This field has diversified applications that have changed our life.

The International Conference on Sensing and Imaging 2020 (ICSI 2020) aims to gather together colleagues worldwide in the fields of sensing and imaging, providing a platform for the participants to communicate, discuss, and collaborate on a broad scope of topics, including theories, techniques, and applications of sensing and imaging technology. The conference will also help bridge the gap between scientists and engineers, with the purpose to rapidly translate novel technologies into practical applications.

This conference will be held at China University of Petroleum (East China)-UPC, Qingdao, China, on August 17-21, 2020.

China University of Petroleum (East China)-UPC is the sponsor of ICSI 2020. Prof. Jie Zhang, the Dean of College of Ocean and Space Information of UPC, is the general chair for this conference. Profs. Nathan Ida and Ming Jiang are the Co-Chairs for this conference.

Submission Guidelines

We encourage colleagues from either academia or industry in the fields of sensing and imaging as well as related fields to submit and present their theoretical or experimental works at the conference. All submitted manuscripts must be original and have not been published, submitted, or accepted for publication elsewhere. All abstracts/manuscripts should be written in English and prepared with Springer Proceedings templates https://www.springer.com/gp/authors-editors/conference-proceedings/conference-proceedings-guidelines, and submitted via the conference portal https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=icsi2020, The final version of the abstracts /manuscripts should be submitted in PDF format.  All the submissions will be subject to peer review, and the accepted submissions will be presented at the conference as oral or poster presentations.

Submissions open: March 15, 2020.
Submission deadline: June 1, 2020.
Notification of acceptance: July 1, 2020.

List of Topics

Sensor Technologies
· Electromagnetic Techniques
· Electro-Optical/Infrared Techniques
· Chemical Techniques
· Nuclear Techniques
· Acoustic/Ultrasonic Techniques
· Emerging Techniques

Image Processing Technologies
· Image formation & reconstruction
· Image segmentation
· Image registration
· Image/video enhancement
· Object tracking and recognition
· Coding and communications
· Scanning, display, and printing
· Storage, retrieval, and authentication

 Applications (not limited to)
· Nondestructive Testing
· Medical Imaging
· Biological Technologies
· Petroleum and Natural Gas
· Geology and Geophysics
· Civil Engineering
· Environmental
· Oceanic Applications
· Security Applications
· Law Enforcement


Accepted articles will be published in the proceedings of the conference which will appear in the book series Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering (LNEE) by Springer & Nature. LNEE is indexed in ISI Proceedings, EI-Compendex, SCOPUS, MetaPress, and Springerlink.

We plan to edit a special issue entitled "Recent developments in Sensing and Imaging" in the journal Sensing and Imaging: https://www.springer.com/journal/11220 of Springer & Nature. Sensing and Imaging is in the ESCI and EI among others. The Program Committee will recommend 10 - 20 of the presented works at ICSI 2020 for possible publication in this special issue. Each manuscript must be a full-length regular paper that is a significant extension from its conference presentation, and all submissions will be subject to the regular reviewing process according to the journal's standard. More information about this special issue will be sent to the relevant authors after the conference.


The conference will be held in China University of Petroleum (East China), Qingdao, China

Address: No. 66 Changjiang West Road, Huangdao District, Qingdao, China, 266580


1. Qingdao Blue Horizon Hotel – Huangdao
2. Howard Johnson Kangda Plaza Qingdao


All questions about submissions should be emailed to Dr. Kaifei He, Email: kfhe@upc.edu.cn









会议通知|第19届 “地球动力学与固体潮” 国际研讨会(一号通知)
会议通知|“社会科学中的空间数据分析”高级论坛暨 “空间集聚分析新进展”培训讲座




编辑:沈家伟 审核:富裕
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